
Appendix B Sun OEM IPMI Commands B-3
Example (Terminal Mode):
[B8 00 80 00 00 2A] <-------Request
[BC 00 80 00 00 00 2A 02 02 00 00 00 00] <----Response
The IPMC version is read as:
lower nibble of REV1 . high nibble of REV2 . low nibble of REV2
In the preceding example, the IPMC version is 2.0.0.
The CPLD version is read as:
-> lower nibble of CPLD version byte
In the example, the CPLD version is 2.
B.2 Get RTM Status Command
You can use the Get RTM Status command to detect the presence of a rear
transition module (RTM) in the system.
Command NetFn Opcode Reference
Get_RTM_Status 0x2E (OEM) 0x88 CPLD Specification
TABLE B-2 Get RTM Status Command Data Bytes
Type Byte Data Field
Request data Byte1 00
Byte2 00
Byte3 2A
Response data Byte1 Completion code:
00 = OK
C1 = Command not supported
CC = Invalid data in request
Byte2 00
Byte3 00
Byte4 2A
Byte5 RTM presence
Bits 7 to 1 = 0
Bits 0 = RTM presence (0 = RTM not detected,
1 = RTM detected)