
4-14 Netra CP3260 Blade Server User’s Guide April 2009 Viewing and Setting OpenBoot Configuration Variables
Halt the server to display the ok prompt.
To display the current values of all OpenBoot configuration variables, use the
printenv command.
The following example shows a short excerpt of this command’s output.
security-password variable-name none Firmware security password if
security-mode is not none (never
displayed). Do not set this directly.
ttya-mode 9600,8,n,1,- 9600,8,n,1,- Serial management port (baud rate, bits,
parity, stop, handshake). The serial
management port only works at the default
use-nvramrc? true, false false If
true, execute commands in NVRAMRC
during server startup.
verbosity max, min,
none, normal
min Controls the amount and detail of
OpenBoot output.
Default is
none Only error and fatal messages
are displayed on the system console.
min Notice, error, warning, and fatal
messages are displayed on the system
normal Summary progress and
operational messages are displayed on
the system console in addition to the
messages displayed by the
min setting.
max Detailed progress and operational
messages are displayed on the system
{0} ok printenv
Variable Name Value Default Value
local-mac-address? true true
fcode-debug? false false
scsi-initiator-id 7 7
oem-logo? false false
auto-boot? true true
boot-command boot boot
TABLE 4-2 OpenBoot Configuration Variables
Variable Possible Values Default Value Description