
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-11
1.4 Advanced Rear Transition Modules
An optional Sun Netra CP32X0 Advanced Rear Transition Module (ARTM) can be
installed into the rear of the ATCA enclosure, opposite the Netra CP3260 blade
server (
FIGURE 1-3). The Netra CP32x0 ARTM connects to the Netra CP3260 blade
server’s Zone 3 rear I/O connectors (
FIGURE 1-2). Contact your Sun representative for
information on the Netra CP32x0 ARTMs.
FIGURE 1-4 shows the physical relationship between the blade server, the rear
transition module, and the midplane in a typical ATCA system.
Figure Legend
1 Remote server
2 Sun Netra CP32X0 Advanced RTM (installed from rear)
3 Serial connection
4 Console terminal
5 Ethernet connection (RJ-45)
6 Sun Netra CP3260 blade server (installed from front)
7 Netra CT 900 server ATCA shelf