104 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
Access Update Password Subcommand
Note – This command is for managers to change other users’ passwords; all users
can change their own passwords.
Description: Changes the password of an existing user.
Command format:
access update password {-p | --password} PASSWORD {u | --user} USER
TABLE B-38 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
Return Codes
TABLE B-39 lists the return codes for this subcommand.
TABLE B-38 Arguments for Subcommand access update password
Argument Description
{-u | --user} The name of the user whose password you wish to update. If a
username is not specified, the current user is implied. You must have
manager-level access to change another user's password. This
argument is repeatable to update multiple user's passwords at one
{-p | --password} The user's new password. If a password is not specified, a prompt
appears to enter the password and again to confirm the password.
TABLE B-39 Return Codes for Subcommand access update password
Return Code ID Description
NWSE_Success 0 Command successfully completed.
NWSE_InvalidUsage 1 Invalid usage: bad parameter usage, conflicting options
NWSE_RPCTimeout 2 Request was issued, but was not serviced by the server.
RPC procedure timed out and the request may or may
not have been serviced by the server.
NWSE_RPCNotConnected 3 Unable to connect to the RPC server.