176 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
TABLE H-25 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
Return Codes
TABLE H-26 lists the return codes for this subcommand.
TABLE H-25 Arguments for Subcommand sp set ip
Argument Description
{-i | --ipaddress} Specifies the IP address you wish to set.
{-n | --netmask} Specifies the netmask; the default value is
{-g | --gateway} Specifies the gateway; the default value is the existing gateway.
{-w | --nowait} If you specify the -nowait option, loss of connectivity will
occur some time after the command returns. If you do not
specify the -nowait option, your connections to the SP will be
lost before the command returns.
TABLE H-26 Return Codes for Subcommand sp set ip
Return Code ID Description
NWSE_Success 0 Command successfully completed.
NWSE_InvalidUsage 1 Invalid usage: bad parameter usage, conflicting
options specified.
NWSE_InvalidArgument 4 One or more arguments were incorrect or invalid.
NWSE_NoPermission 6 Not authorized to perform this operation.
NWSE_NoMemory 8 Insufficient memory.
NWSE_Busy 9 Device or resource is busy.
NWSE_RPCConnected 11 RPC client already connected.
NWSE_RPCConnRefused 12 RPC connection refused.
NWSE_NoRouteToHost 13 No route to host (network down).
NWSE_HostDown 14 Host is down.
NWSE_UnknownError 15 Miscellaneous error not captured by other errors.
NWSE_GatewayOffNet 16 Gateway address is not on network.
NWSE_NetMaskIncorrect 17 An inappropriate netmask was specified.