154 Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide • May, 2004
Sensor Get Subcommand
Description: Returns all data associated with a sensor.
By default, only the sensor ID and its current value are displayed. You can specify
on the command line the order of the data output.
Note – The identifier field is always displayed first, unless you suppress it with the
-I option.
Command format:
sensor get [{{-i | --id} ID | {-t | --type} TYPE_ID}]
[{-v | --value}] [{-n | --nominal}]
[{-C | --crithigh}] [{-c | --critlow}]
[{-W | -warnhigh}] [{-w | --warnlow}]
[{-N | --name}] [{-d | --description}]
[{-S | --sensor-type}] [{-p | --parent-comp}]
[{-s | --severity}] | [{--verbose}]
[{-I | --noid}] [{-H | noheader}]
[{-D | --delim <DELIMITER>}]