Tables xiii
TABLE 2-1 System LEDs 14
TABLE 2-2 Fan Tray LEDs 14
TABLE 2-3 Hard Disk Drive LEDs 14
TABLE 2-4 System Control Switch Settings 16
TABLE 2-5 Ethernet LEDs 17
TABLE 2-6 Power Supply LEDs 18
TABLE 3-1 Association Between Processors and DIMM Groups 30
TABLE 3-2 PCI Bus Characteristics, Associated Bridge Chips, Centerplane Devices,
and PCI Slots 32
TABLE 3-3 PCI Riser Board Jumper Functions 37
TABLE 3-4 FC-AL Features and Advantages 42
TABLE 4-1 Ethernet Port LEDs 48
TABLE 5-1 System Administration Tool Summary 64
TABLE 5-2 Ways of Communicating With the System 70
TABLE 6-1 Summary of Diagnostic Tools 74
TABLE 6-2 OpenBoot Configuration Variables 82
TABLE 6-3 Keywords for the test-args OpenBoot Configuration Variable 86
TABLE 6-4 Diagnostic Tool Availability 99
TABLE 6-5 FRU Coverage of Fault Isolating Tools 100
TABLE 6-6 FRUs Not Directly Isolated by Diagnostic Tools 101
TABLE 6-7 What RSC Software Monitors 102