18 Sun Fire V490 Server Administration Guide • August 2004
TABLE 2-6 lists and describes the power supply LEDs on the system’s back panel.
Also accessible from the back panel are:
■ Inlets for both AC power supplies
■ Six PCI card slots
■ One system controller (SC) card slot
■ Six external data ports: USB, serial, Ethernet, and FC-AL (see FIGURE 2-4)
FIGURE 2-4 Back Panel External Ports
TABLE 2-6 Power Supply LEDs
Name Description
OK-to-Remove This blue LED lights when it is safe to remove the power
supply from the system.
Fault This amber LED lights when the power supply’s internal
microcontroller detects a fault in the monitored power
supply. Note that the system Fault LED on the front panel
will also be lit when this occurs.
DC Present This green LED lights when the power supply is on and
outputting regulated power within specified limits.
AC Present This green LED lights when a proper AC voltage source is
input to the power supply.
USB ports (2)
thernet ports
Serial port
FC-AL port