Index 241
with SunVTS, 106, 202
externally initiated reset (XIR), 51, 127
described, 23
manual command, 23
displaying speed of, 90
Fan Tray 0
isolating faults in cable, 101
Fan Tray 0 LED
described, 14
Fan Tray 1 LED
described, 14
fan tray assembly, 39
configuration rule, 41
illustration, 40
LEDs, 14
fan tray LED, 173
See also fan tray assembly
monitoring and control, 20
fault isolation, 100
FRU coverage (table), 100
procedures for, 167
using system LEDs, 172
Fault LED
described, 13, 14
disk drive, 174
power supply, 173
system, 173
FC-AL, see Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL)
Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL)
backplane, 42
configuration rules, 43
defined, 41
diagnosing problems in devices, 90
disk drives supported, 42
dual loop access, 43
features, 42
high-speed serial data connector (HSSDC)
port, 43
host adapters, 44
configuration rules, 44
isolating faults in cables, 101
protocols supported, 42
field-replaceable unit, See FRU
frame buffer card, 71
front panel
illustration, 12
LEDs, 13
locks, 12
Power button, 15
system control switch, 15
boundaries between, 82
coverage of fault isolating tools (table), 100
coverage of system exercising tools (table), 106
hardware revision level, 97
hierarchical list of, 97
manufacturer, 97
not isolated by diagnostic tools (table), 101
part number, 97
POST and, 81
FRU data
contents of IDPROM, 97
fsck command (Solaris), 51
go (OpenBoot command), 50
graceful halt, 50, 127
H/W under test, See interpreting error
gracefully, advantages of, 50, 127
halt command (Solaris), 50, 127
hardware configuration, 25, 46
hardware jumpers, 36
serial port, 45
hardware device paths, 87, 88, 92
Hardware Diagnostic Suite, 104
about exercising the system with, 108
hardware jumpers, 36
hardware revision, displaying with showrev,98
hardware watchdog
described, 23