Error Handling
This appendix contains information about how the servers process and log errors.
See the following sections:
■ “Handling of Uncorrectable Errors” on page 53
■ “Handling of Correctable Errors” on page 56
■ “Handling of Parity Errors (PERR)” on page 59
■ “Handling of System Errors (SERR)” on page 61
■ “Handling Mismatching Processors” on page 63
■ “Hardware Error Handling Summary” on page 64
Handling of Uncorrectable Errors
This section lists facts and considerations about how the server handles
uncorrectable errors.
Note – The BIOS ChipKill feature must be disabled if you are testing for failures of
multiple bits within a DRAM (ChipKill corrects for the failure of a four-bit wide
■ The BIOS logs the error to the SP system event log (SEL) through the board
management controller (BMC).
■ The SP's SEL is updated with the failing DIMM pair's particular bank address.
■ The system reboots.
■ The BIOS logs the error in DMI.