Contents v
Solaris 10 Operating System User Information 43
Solaris 10 User Documentation 43
Solaris 10 OS Training 44
Using the Solaris Installation Program 44
Sun Java Enterprise System 44
Sun Studio 11 44
Reinstalling the Solaris Operating System 45
Downloading Software 45
4. Configuring the Preinstalled Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Operating
System 47
Before You Begin 48
Hardware and Software Prerequisites 48
Establish a Console Connection to the Sun Blade Server Module 48
Initial Setup of Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 OS 49
▼ To Perform the Initial Setup of the Preinstalled Windows OS 49
Configuring X6240 Server Module RAID Drives 50
RAID Drive Overview 51
RAID Drive Options 52
Mirroring the Preinstalled Windows OS with LSI RAID 52
▼ To Create a Mirror Image of the Preinstalled Windows OS 53
Creating a RAID Set to Incorporate a Preinstalled OS Using the Sun StorageTek
REM Card 54
▼ To Incorporatea Preinstalled Windows OS Using theSun StorageTek REM
Card 54
Important Information 56
Sun Link 56
Recovery Media Kit 57
Index 59