
Flexible confi guration
The administrative interface is the central coordinating point from which to confi gure your sunrise surf & talk box.
To access the administrative interface, all you need is a browser on your computer. It is not necessary to install any
additional software. You can log in comfortably through the protected administrative interface and change the
security settings for a WLAN or an IP address. A context-sensitive help function provides you with support through
every step in the confi guration. Should you make a mistake during confi guration, you can restore the sunrise
surf & talk box to its factory defaults at any time.
Everything in one unit
The sunrise surf & talk box is a genuine multi-talent. In a single unit it unites a WLAN access point, a router or
bridge, a fi rewall, a DHCP server a mobile broadband modem and a telephone connection, despite dimensions of
no more than 18.5 x 4.9 x 10 cm. Power consumption is correspondingly low at 5 W. As a result, there is nothing to
stand in the way of long-term use of the sunrise surf & talk box.
sunrise surf & talk