
Diagnostic Tools.
The sunrise surf & talk box includes a number of diagnostic tools you can use to check the status of the device and
the Internet connection.
Status of the sunrise surf & talk box.
Here’s how to check the status of the sunrise surf & talk box:
1. Log on to the administration user interface of the sunrise surf & talk box (see Logging in and logging out, p. 25).
2. Select the Status menu.
This menu displays information on individual aspects of the sunrise surf & talk box in various tabs.
Here you can fi nd information on the mobile broadband status of the sunrise surf & talk box.
Access Point tab
Here you can fi nd information on the WLAN access point of the sunrise surf & talk box.
DHCP Server tab
Here you can fi nd information on the sunrise surf & talk box DHCP server, and on MAC and IP addresses of the
PCs or laptops connected.
Security tab
Here you can fi nd information on WEP and WPA encoding of the WLAN connection.
Firmware tab
Here you can fi nd information on the fi rmware installed on the sunrise surf & talk box. In addition, the results of the
device self-test is displayed in this tab.
sunrise surf & talk Diagnostic Tools