Pro settings.
This section and the confi guration options it describes are intended for network administrators.
Changing a static IP address.
You can change the static IP address of the sunrise surf & talk box, which is used for access over a LAN or WLAN.
The manufacturer has set the IP address to
How to change the static IP address
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p.25).
2. Select the IP Address menu.
3. Next to Address, enable the Static option.
4. Enter the desired confi gurations in the IP Address, IP Subnet Mask and IP Broadcast Address fi elds.
5. Click the OK button.
Because the IP address has changed, the connection to the administrative interface will be interrupted.
If you wish to access the administrative interface at a later time, enter the changed IP address in the address
fi eld of your browser.
6. To leave the administrative interface, close your browser.
Note: Keep in mind that changing the static IP address automatically changes the IP address range of the DHCP
server. This happens so that IP address confl icts are avoided.
Confi guring the DHCP server.
The sunrise surf & talk box contains an integrated DHCP server. This server dynamically assigns an IP address to
the computers connected to your network. The manufacturer has set the IP address range of the DHCP server to
addresses from to
You can change or disable the DHCP server’s IP address range. You can also confi gure the DHCP server in such a
way that certain computers connected to the sunrise surf & talk box will always be assigned the same IP address-
es. This is useful, for example, if you wish to access the computer through its IP address.
How to change the IP address range of the DHCP server
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p. 25).
2. Select the Address Range tab in the DHCP Server menu.
sunrise surf & talk Pro settings