
The average heart rate is also a useful measure during training where the heart rate levels vary
a lot, such as biking in hilly terrain. In these cases, the target zone limits are less practical than
the average heart rate.
Heart rate limit settings
In theHeart Rate Limit menu, you can set the heart rate limits on or off,define the upper and lower
limits,and set the heart rate alarm onor off. You can set the heartrate limits to help you staywithin
a defined heart rate range, which you can set to match the goal of your training.
Whiletraining, your real-timeheart rate canbe displayed inthe center ofthe screen. Ifthe average
heart rate shortcut is selected,your real-time averageheart rate per lapis displayed in thebottom
row as either beats per minuteor a percentage of your maximumheart rate. In the Settings menu,
you can set alarms to notify you when you go above your set upper heart rate or below the set
lower heart rate.
heart rate
Lower limit
When the Limit alarm is on, Suunto t4
gives you an alarm when your heart
rate rises above the upper limit or
drops below the lower limit. The alarm
continues until you return to your
target heart rate range.
Upper limit
Bychecking your averageheart rate you canadjust your trainingintensity to make surethe session
is as effective as possible.