
Peak level. If there has been a period of
lower intensity, your current level may be
lower. To reach higher TE than 3.8 from this
workout, you need to increase the
intensity so that this graph pushes the
peak mark higher.
Training Effect reached so far in the
workout: 3.8 (Improving)
Bottom row: Next TE level is 4.0 but you can not reach it with the current
intensity. (Time indicator -:-- means that you have to increase intensity to
reach the target.)
Tofind out more aboutTrainingEffect,and how to use itto improve your training,please download
Suunto Training Guidebook from www.suunto.com/training.
Heart beat analysis technology producing Training Effect is provided and supported
by Firstbeat Technologies Ltd.
2.4. Suunto Coach
The Suunto Coachis yourpersonal training advisor. Itgenerates anideal trainingprogram forthe
next5 days,based onyour currentfitness leveland yourpast week’sworkouts.The Coachfollows
the guidelines ofthe AmericanCollege of SportMedicine forexercise prescriptions,ensuring that
your training is safe and effective in taking you towards your training goals. The Coach can be
entered by short pressing the START button in Logbook.