
3.2. Manually adjusting your training program
You can increase the Training Effect target by long pressing the DOWN button while the Training
Effectshortcut isdisplayed. This automatically updatesthe recommended duration of thesession.
2 sec
Long press the DOWN
button to increase the
Training Effect target.
When the stopwatch has been reset, you can change the target time by long pressing the UP
2 sec
Long press the UP button
when the Training Effect shortcut
is chosen and the stopwatch has
been reset, to increase the target
3.3. Training without set targets
The stopwatch is activated by short pressing the START button in Training mode. It can be seen
inthe top row in Trainingmode.The information from the training thatyou time with the stopwatch,
suchas heartrate and calorieconsumption, isstored andcan later beseen inTotals and Logbook.
Therefore, you should activate the stopwatch, and ensure you have a heart rate reading,
whenever you start a training session.