Chapter 2: Loading Paper and Printing 2–25
Print Gap Adjustment
The 2900 Auto-Gap feature automatically sets the correct print gap based on
form thickness. Dedicated control panel keys also allow the print gap to be
adjusted for darker or lighter print based on user preference. For ease of paper
loading, the print gap is set to its widest position while the printer is not
printing. The Auto-Gap feature is automatically initiated under the following
1. The Print Gap Mode is Auto, the printer has been off but is now turned on,
and a TOF is set before any printing has begun.
2. The Print Gap Mode is Auto, the printer has been off but is now turned on,
and a print run is started before TOF is set.
3. The Print Gap Mode is Auto, a Paper Out Fault has been cleared, and either
the TOF is set or a print run is resumed.
4. The Print Gap Mode is Auto, the printer has been off but is now turned on,
and an adjustment is made using the “-” or “+” Print Gap keys on the Control
Even though the print gap value has been automatically determined, there
might be times when it needs to be further fine-tuned using the Control Panel
as described below under Manually Adjust Print Gap on Control Panel.
Gap Zone
The Gap Zone feature is used to set up a variable print gap for forms that
contain areas of varying thickness. This is done by creating a Gap Zone Profile
for the form, saving it in one of the ten saved configurations, then loading that
configuration whenever the particular form is used.
Print Gap Profile Mode
As previously described, the Print Gap Mode is set up in the Print Gap Category
of the Operator Menu. There are three Print Gap Modes. In Manual Mode, the
print gap is set manually using the Print Gap keys on the control panel. In Auto
Mode (default), the print gap is automatically detected whenever a new form is
loaded, and when the printer is powered on. Profile Mode is the mode that
must be set when using the Gap Zone feature, as described below.
Creating a Gap Zone Profile
A Gap Zone Profile is created automatically in four simple steps:
Step 1 – Load the Form
Load the form for which the profile will be generated. Be sure to set the
Top of Form position, and be sure that the Form Length is set properly.
Step 2 – Set Profile Mode
The Print Gap Mode is set up in the Print Gap Category of the Operator Menu.
Set the Mode Parameter to Profile. Press Operator Menu => PrintGap =>
Mode => Profile => Enter.
Print Gap