Chapter 3: Printer Menus and the Control Panel 3–67
Test Menu
In TEST Menu you will find diagnostic test print
patterns used to check printer functions and a
parameter that allows you to control paper mo-
tion sensing.
Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to scroll to the
desired selection.
Pattern Category
The Pattern Category has a series of
printer self-tests which have predefined
patterns used to test the basic printer
functions. Selection of the patterns is
done by scrolling with the Up or Down
Arrow keys to the desired option, and
pressing the Enter key. The test begins based on the current margins and font
information selected. All of the panel keys are disabled while the test is run-
ning except for the View key and the Enter and Clear keys, which terminate the
test. Once the test is terminated, all of the keys are activated. Use the Arrow
and Enter keys to select Menu => Test Menu => Pattern to get here.
Option Prints
Upper Rolling ASCII characters between 0x20 and 0x5E
All Characters All characters from the available character sets
63/69 63 uppercase characters followed by 69 spaces.
ECMA A pattern specified by the European Computer
Manufacturers Association. Used for acoustic testing.
Columns Number of columns on the line, based on margin distances.
Test Page Pressing Enter when this option is displayed will print a test