Chapter 3: Printer Menus and the Control Panel 3–43
Operator Menu
Forms Category
This category is used for setting up the
specifics for your individual forms. Use
the Arrow and Enter keys to select
Menu => Operator Menu => Forms =>
to get here.
Length (lines)
If you wish to define the length of your form in lines, you may select a form
length from 1 to 255. The default option is 66.
Length (inches)
If you wish to define the length of your form in inches, you may select a form
length from 0.1 to 25.5 inches. The default option is 11.0 inches.
LPI (Lines Per Inch)
This parameter allows you to set the lines per inch. The possible selections are
1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12. The default option is 6 LPI.
Top Margin
The option selected here determines where the first line of print is located on
the page. The Top Margin location is measured in the number of lines from
the current Top-of-Form location. The range is 0 to 255, with the default
option set to 0.
Bottom Margin
This parameter allows you to set the bottom margin. The Bottom Margin is
measured in the number of lines from the current Top-of-Form location. The
range is 0 to 255, with the default option set to 66.
The Bottom Margin (and the Top Margin) parameter option is defined in
terms of lines and so there is a natural relationship with the LPI option. For
example: Suppose the LPI option is set to 6 lines per inch and the Bottom
Margin option is set to line 60. The physical location on the paper of the
Bottom Margin will be 10 inches from the Top-of-Form location (60 lines
divided by 6 lines per inch). If the LPI is then changed to 10 lines per inch, the
Bottom Margin automatically changes to line 100 in order to maintain the
previous physical location for the Bottom Margin at 10 inches from the Top-of-
Form location (100 lines divided by 10 lines per inch). A new Bottom Margin
setting can be selected, of course, if that is what is desired.
The Top Margin and Bottom Margin are thus translated into a physical location on the
paper. Subsequent changes in LPI affect this location. If the new location does not exactly
correspond with a line position, no asterisk is shown as a “current setting” indicator.