MMP-16 Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 3 • MMP-16 Operation
Verify State Display
In the Verify state, the display is used for operator interface messages which usually request a Yes/No answer or
require a number to be entered (such as a password) before normal operation can be resumed.
01234567890123456789 LCD character positions (left to right)
Function Message Top: (Operator message)
Are you sure (Y/N)? Bottom: Verification request – press STO for Yes,
press RCL for No, use keypad to enter number, or
press CLR to Cancel and return to previous state
Error State Display
The Error state will cause the ERROR LED to flash red and show a message in the display indicating an action can
not be implemented or gives some other instruction. This state may also present various information messages
indicating system status, disk mount status, an event has timed out, or that some type of operation (such as disk
formatting) is requiring the system to wait until the operation is finished.
01234567890123456789 20 position LCD character positions
Error: nnnn Top: (nnnn indicates the error message number)
Tttttttttttttttttttt Bottom: (t indicates a possible text message)
It is necessary to clear the Error state to return the front panel keys to normal operation. Most error
messages can be cleared from the display by pressing the CLR key.