Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 3 • MMP-16 Operation MMP-16
Cut Cut removes the audio from the selected track(s) between the In point and the Out
point and places it into the clipboard, while pulling up (slipping earlier in time) all
subsequent events by an amount equal to the length of the cut track segment.
Copy Copy places a copy of the material that is between the In and Out points on the
selected track(s) into the clipboard without altering the audio events on the track(s).
Clear Clear removes the events on the selected track between the In and Out points,
replacing the audio with silence. It does not affect the position of any other audio
material on the track.
Paste Paste places the contents of the clipboard into the selected track(s) at the position
of the In register and overwrites any existing material on the selected track(s)
starting at the In point time and extending for the duration of the clipboard
contents. It does not alter the placement of any other material on the track(s).
To Clipboard
shifted earlier in time
To Clipboard
Before Cut
After Cut
Before Clear
After Clear
Before Paste
After Paste
Overwrites existing material on track
Clipboard contents