Command Syntax
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
The definition of elements used in SCPI/IEEE 488.2 commands and command
descriptions is as follows:
<NR1> ASCII integer representation of a decimal number.
<NRf> ASCII integer, fixed point or floating point representation of a decimal
<module_name> A user-defined ASCII string to be associated with the local bus
address of a relay module. <module_name> strings must start with a letter and
may consist of alphanumeric characters, underscores, and digits. The maximum
length of a <module_name> is 12 characters.
<channel_spec> One or more <NR1> ASCII strings separated by “!” characters
that specify a relay on a relay module. The format of a <channel_spec> field for
each of the SurePath relay modules is:
H VX4320 RF Multiplexer: <NR1> ! <NR1>
The range of the first <NRf> field is 1 to 4. This field specifies a relay
within one of the sections of the VX4320. The range of the second <NRf>
field is 1 to 8. This field specifies a section of the VX4320. A one-dimen-
sional <channel_spec> may also be used to specify a channel on a VX4320
Module. The one-dimensional <channel_spec> is given by the formula:
( (section – 1 ) × 4 ) + relay.
where variables “section” and “relay” are section and relay numbers
specified in a two-dimensional <channel_spec>.
H VX4330 Scanner/Multiplexer: <NR1> ! <NR1>
The first <NR1> field specifies a relay within the specified section. The
range of this <NR1> field depends on the current configuration of the section
of the VX4330 specified in the second <NR1> field. The range of the second
<NR1> field is 1 to 6. This field specifies a section of the VX4330.
1 – 10 4-wire
1 – 20 4-wire independent
1 – 20 2-wire
1 – 40 1-wire
Command Elements