Command Descriptions
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
Command Response
1 1 0 0
This response indicates that relays 1 and 2 on the VX4350 are
open and relays 3 and 4 on this module are closed.
route:open? (@scanner
This response indicates that channel 3 of section 2 of the
VX4320 is open. Note that a route:module:define scanner,3
command has been received prior to this query.
:ALL [module_name]
All relays on all modules are set to the open position.
If a module name is not specified in this command, open all relays on all
modules controlled by the Option 01. If a module name is specified, open all
relays on the specified module only. In either case do not change the state of the
configuration relays on VX4330 Modules.
The [ROUTe:]OPEN command is not supported for the VX4320 Module. This
module contains eight 4-to-1 RF multiplexors. One and only one channel in each
multiplexor is closed at all times.
Command Response
ROUTE:OPEN:ALL Open all relays on all Modules controlled by the VX4300. Do
not change the state of the configuration relays on VX4330
rout:open:all Same as the first example.
route:open:all gp Open all relays on the module that has been assigned module
name āgpā. See the [ROUTe:]MODule:DEFine command.
Command Syntax
Query Syntax
*RST Value
Related Commands