Status and Events
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
Table 4–5: Command Error Messages (Bit 5 in Standard Event Status
register) (Cont.)
Code Message
–121 Invalid character in number
–123 Exponent too large
Table 4–6 lists the execution error messages that can occur during execution of a
command. Parameter y in these error messages represents the local bus address
of the module that the error message applies to. A value of 1 indicates the
module containing the Option 01 daughter board, a value of 2 the module in the
next slot to the right, and so on.
Table 4–6: Execution Error Messages (Bit 4 in Standard Event Status
Code Message
–200 Execution error; Reserved
–200 Execution error; scan list undefined
–211 Trigger ignored
–213 Init ignored
–222 Data out of range; Channel number x on module y
–222 Data out of range; Channel number x!x on module y
–222 Data out of range; Channel number x!x!x on module y
–222 Data out of range; Invalid module address specified
–222 Data out of range; Invalid section number
–222 Data out of range; invalid sequence count
–222 Data out of range; invalid trigger delay
–222 Data out of range; Invalid VXI TTL Trigger level
–222 Data out of range; Maximum value for ESE command is 255
–222 Data out of range; Maximum value for SRE command is 255
–222 Data out of range; invalid dwell time specified.
–223 Too much data; channel list array overflow
–223 Too much data; Input buffer overflow
–223 Too much data; Output buffer full
–223 Too much data; scan list array overflow
–240 Hardware error; shift register verification error – module m
–241 Hardware error; Unrecognized module d, d