
Frame Store Subpanel
Frame Store Subpanel
The primary functions of the Frame Store option are storage of
still video and key images and creation of dropshadows behind
keys. Controls for manipulation of these functions are found on
the Frame Store Subpanel and menus.
The Frame Store option allows storage and retrieval of images at
a 10-bit resolution. Up to four 2-field pages can be stored in both
the video store and the key store. Video and Key inputs may be
frozen together or independently. The images can later be read
with either one- or two-field mode. Either replication or
interpolation may be used if one field readout is selected.
Frame Store is controlled from a dedicated group of controls on
the upper Control Panel. Frame Store is source oriented in that its
inputs are fed with an AUX/effects send bus (Aux 4) and the
outputs are available as primary inputs to the crosspoint matrix.
You can assemble complex graphics by layering multiple picture
elements into a final composite image. Adding dropshadows is
made easier by the provision of a Frame Store real-time
dropshadow mode. Using this feature, variable-density full-
resolution shadows can be created from the key signal and
positioned anywhere within the raster.