Section 2— Control Panel Descriptions
The PUT button is at low tally whenever a PUT operation is
permissible and off when the operation is not permissible (no
current register).
When pressed, the PUT button high-tallies and the E-MEM
readout provides a prompt. For example, if Bank 0 and register 7
are currently selected, the display prompts:
To put the current effect into a specific bank and register, change
the bank number if the correct bank is not already selected, then
enter the (destination) register number. Press ENTER to confirm
the PUT operation.
The PUT operation does not copy sequence link information
(sequence link register or sequence delay) to the destination
If the destination register is locked, the PUT operation will not be
performed, an error beep will sound, and the keypad readout will
show “
An UNDO of the PUT operation will restore the previous contents
to the destination register, without affecting the current switcher
state or current register number.
Also, as mentioned previously, the PUT button may be used to
copy the current register contents into the next empty register by
pressing PUT • ENTER.
The remainder of the Effect Editing controls deal primarily with
effect keyframes and effect timelines.
Refer to “Effects and Keyframes” near the beginning of this
section for general definitions of effects and keyframes.
In the Model 2200, a Timeline is a graphical representation (in the
Timeline menu) of the keyframes and their time relationships on
a given enabled level in the current E-MEM register. Each enabled
register has its own timeline.