Effects Memory Subpanel
The GET button is at low tally whenever a get operation is
permissible and off when the operation is not permissible (no
current register, locked register).
When pressed, the GET button high-tallies and the E-MEM
readout provides a prompt. For example, if Bank 0 and register 7
are currently selected, the display prompts:
(If the bank were 1 and the current register 7, the display
would show: GET 1x INTO CUR)
To get the effect from a specific bank and register, change the bank
number if the correct bank is not already selected, then enter the
register number of the effect to be copied. Press ENTER to
complete the GET operation.
The GET operation does not copy sequence link information
(sequence link register or sequence delay) to the current register.
If the current register is locked, the GET operation will not be
performed, an error beep will sound, and the keypad readout will
An UNDO of the GET operation will restore the previous contents
to the current register, without affecting the current switcher state
or current register number.
Also, as mentioned previously under the • button description, the
GET button may be used for clearing out the current register by
pressing GET • ENTER.
The PUT button provides a method of copying or “putting” the
contents of the currently selected register into another E-MEM