2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
This section lists the electrical, physical, and environmental characteristics of the
spectrum analyzer, specifies the performance requirements for those characteris-
tics, and provides supplementary information.
Electrical Characteristics
Unless otherwise stated, the following tables of electrical characteristics and
features apply to the spectrum analyzer after a 15 minute warm-up period (within
the environmental limits) and after all normalization procedures have been
carried out.
Information in the Performance Requirement column of Tables 1--2 through 1--8
is guaranteed and verifiable unless otherwise noted. Supplemental Information is
intended to further explain a characteristic, its performance requirement, or to
describe characteristic performance that is impractical to verify. Supplemental
Information is not guaranteed and may not be supported by a performance check
Changes to a characteristic because of the addition of an option are included in
Table 1 --7.