2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Use the following procedure to replace the Front Panel assembly:
1. Remove the instrument from its cabinet (see Removing the Instrument from
its Cabinet on Page 6--17).
2. Remove the nut and washer from the RF INPUT connector (and from the
Tracking Generator output connector if Option 04 is installed).
3. Remove four screws from the bottom front of the instrument as shown in
Figure 6--6 to gain access to the two bottom retaining nuts.
4. Remove the bottom two Front Panel retaining nuts (Figure 6--6).
5. Remove the top two Front Panel retaining nuts (Figure 6--6).
6. Gently pull the front panel assembly out of the instrument to gain access to a
ribbon cable (P6) attached to the back of the F ront Panel. Disconnect P6
from the Front Panel board.
7. Remove the Front Panel assembly.
Replace the Front Panel by reversing the removal procedure.
Replacing the Front Panel