2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table 6- 1: Relative Suscept ibility to Static Discharge Damage
Semiconductor Classes Relative Susceptibility Levels
MOS or CMOS microcircuits or discretes, or linear
microcircuitswith MOS inputs (most sensitive)
100 to 500 V
ECL 200 to 500 V
Schottk y signal diodes 250 V
Schottky TTL 500 V
High frequency bipolar transistors 400 to 600 V
JFET devices 600 to 800 V
Linear microcircuits 400 to 1000 V
Low power Schottky TTL 900 V
TTL (Least Sensitive) 1200 V
Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance consists of cleaning, visual inspection, performance check,
and recalibration. The preventive maintenance schedule that is established for the
instrument should be based on the environment in which the instrument is operated
and the amount of use. A preventive maintenance check should be performed every
2000 hours of instrument operation.
Clean the instrument often enough to prevent dust or dirt from accumulating in or
on it. Accumulation of dirt and grease acts as a thermal insulating blanket, prevents
efficient heat dissipation, and provides high resistance leakage paths between
conductors or components in a humid environment.
Do not use any cleaning method that would subject the internal components to
moisture (wet wash).
Exterior. Clean the dust from the outside of the instrument by wiping or brushing the
surface with a soft cloth or small brush. The brush will remove dust from around the
front panel selector buttons. Hardened dirt can be removed with a cloth dampened in
water that contains a mild detergent. Abrasive cleaners should not be used.
Interior. Clean the interior by loosening accumulated dust with a dry soft brush, then
remove the loosened dirt with low pressure air to blow the dust clear. (High velocity
air can damage some components.) Hardened dirt or grease may be removed with a
cotton tipped applicator dampened with a solution of 75% isopropyl alcohol and
rinsed with deionized water. When cleaning front panel buttons use only
Voltage discharged from a 100 pF capacitor through a resistance of 100 Ω.