8 Supplies, Accessories, and Expanding Your Printer
8-6 Phaser 380 Color Printer
Memory upgrade
16 Mbytes of Memory.
In its standard conÞguration, the Phaser 380 printer has
16 Mbytes of memory. You can upgrade the printer to 48 Mbytes or
64 Mbytes of memory to gain printing features and improve performance.
Note The Startup Page reports how much RAM memory is installed in
the printer. For information on the Startup Page, refer to
ÒPrinter Help PagesÓ on page 7-6.
48 Mbytes of Memory.
Upgrading to 48 Mbytes of memory provides
600 x 300 dpi printing, support for job collation, 30 additional fonts, the
Check Print feature, support for the Phaser Copystation, and job pipelining.
Refer to ÒExtended Features upgradeÓ on page 8-4 for detailed information.
64 Mbytes of Memory.
Upgrading to 64 Mbytes of memory provides
additional space for more downloadable fonts and improves job pipelining
to speed printer throughput and ofßoading of print jobs from your
Font upgrade
You can add an additional 30 fonts to the standard 39 fonts by upgrading to
the Extended Features conÞguration. Refer to ÒExtended Features upgradeÓ
on page 8-4 for more information. Refer to ÒFontsÓ on page 3-46 for more
information on font typefaces.
600 x 300 dpi upgrade
You can upgrade the Phaser 380 printer to print with 600 x 300 dpi resolution
print quality by ordering the Z380FX upgrade. Refer to ÒExtended Features
upgradeÓ on page 8-4 for more information.
Total memory Upgrade from 16 Mbytes Upgrade from 48 Mbytes
48 Mbytes Order Z380FX Not applicable
64 Mbytes Order Z380FX and ZMA16 Order ZMA16