Printing Basics
Phaser 380 Color Printer
Print quality modes
Using the printer drivers provided with your printer, you can select from
three print quality modes:
Fast Color
Produces the fastest full-color prints. This print-quality mode is
not available for transparency printing. Transparency prints made with this
setting are printed using the Standard print-quality mode instead.
The default print-quality setting for full-color printing. Select this
print-quality mode for the fastest printing of transparencies.
Enhanced (600 x 300)
Available with the Phaser 380 printerÕs Extended
Features option. Used for PANTONE Color matching (set TekColor
Correction to None). For paper printing, select this print-quality mode for
the best text quality and the smoothest color blends. For transparency
printing, select this print-quality mode to produce transparencies with the
most vibrant colors, the smoothest color gradations and color sweeps, and
the highest durability.
Print speed
Print speeds listed in the following table are based on the time it takes the
printer to make a single print. Printing of Tabloid Maximum-size
transparency is supported only from the manual feed slot.
ppm is pages per minute
Print-quality mode Paper print speed Transparency print speed
Fast Color A4/Letter: 3.5 ppm
A3/Tabloid Maximum: 2.0 ppm
A4/Letter: not supported
A3/Tabloid Maximum: not supported
Standard A4/Letter: 2.5 ppm
A3/Tabloid Maximum: 1.3 ppm
A4/Letter: 1.5 ppm
A3/Tabloid Maximum: manual feed slot
Enhanced (600 x 300) A4/Letter: 1.2 ppm
A3/Tabloid Maximum: 0.6 ppm
A4/Letter: 0.64 ppm
A3/Tabloid Maximum: manual feed slot