Supplies, Accessories, and Expanding Your Printer 8
User Manual 8-7
PhaserShare network cards (recommended)
Tektronix PhaserShareª network cards offer high-performance network
connectivity for your color printer. PhaserShare network cards can be easily
installed in your printer.
Benefits of networking the printer
Adding a PhaserShare network card to your printer makes it an efÞcient,
sharable printing resource in network environments. Network connections,
such as Ethernet, offer signiÞcant speed improvements compared to the
standard parallel communication connection. Several varieties of
PhaserShare cards allow the printer to be seamlessly integrated into popular
network conÞgurations. All ports and protocols are simultaneously active,
allowing the printer to be used in mixed environments.
Order number Description
Z350FP1 Adds Ethernet interface; includes support for
Novell NetWare, EtherTalk, TCP/IP, Telnet and FTP.
Z350FP3 Adds LocalTalk/Serial interface.
Z350FP4 Adds Token Ring interface; includes support for Novell
NetWare, TokenTalk, TCP/IP, Telnet and FTP.