AD007 User Manua l
Getting Started
This section contains an overview of the AD007 GPIB-LAN Adapter
and provides instructions on how to install the ada pter and the
accompanying software.
Product Description
The AD007 adapter allows GPIB devices to talk or listen to
networked computers and peripherals through a 10/100BaseT
Ethernet connection.
H GPIB (IEEE 488.2) and 10/100BaseT Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
H Easy setup with DHCP/BOOTP server
H LED status indicators for power, LAN, and GPIB connections
H Web page interface for configuration and statistics
H Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (TekVISA) software
with langua ge interface libraries for programmers using
Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual C/C++
H Configuration utility for setting up additional VISA resources
H Software installation allowed on any number of PCs
H Free firmware updat es over the Internet with the AD007 Update
H Print directly from GPIB devices to a network printer
H Control up to 14 GPIB devices over an Etherne t connection
H Capture waveforms with optional WaveStar for Oscilloscopes
software from Tektronix