Getting Started
AD007 User Manua l
19. Turn DHCP off or on as necessary for the new configuration.
20. Click on Submit. The new IP address is now in nonvolatile
21. Power off the adapter.
22. Connect the adapter to the proper network drop or Ethernet port.
23. Power on the adapter to boot up the adapter with the new setti ngs.
Setup Procedure 3 - No DHCP Server, Static I P Setup and Operation
If the following conditions are true, you must manuall y set up the
adapter on the network with a static IP address.
H The network administrator verifies that you do not have a
DHCP/BOOTP server on your network.
H The net work admi nistrator has prepared the network for the
adapter by assigning a static IP address and mapping it to the
Ethernet Hardware address of the adapter.
To set the assigned IP a ddress in the adapter, do t hese steps:
1. Connect one end of the RJ-45 cable to the RJ-45 connector on the
back of the AD007 adapter. Push the connector in until it clicks.
2. Connect the other end of the RJ-45 cable to the network drop
assigned by the network technician.
3. Power on the adapter. The following states apply:
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ( 3 0 s e c o nd s el f - t e st , li g h t s b li n k a m b er ) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- (Self test pass, indicators momentarily blink green) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Off Green/Amber/Off Amber Green
Status: The adapter is requesting an IP address from the network, but is not
receiving one because there is no DHCP server.