Getting Started
AD007 User Manua l
Verifying Network Access to the Adapter
Once the AD007 adapter is configured on the network or configured
in a sta nd-alone setup, you should be able to browse to, or ping, the
IP address of the adapter.
Web Browser
Using a web browser, go to the currently configured IP address of the
adapter (i.e. http://IP_address). For the factory default address,
this entry would be
Network Ping
If you are unable to use the web browser, do t hese steps to ping the
IP address:
1. Open a DOS window and type the current ly-configured IP
address of the adapter (i.e. ping IP address). For the factory
default address, this entry is
If the DNS i s configured, you should also be able to ping the host
ping hostname
2. You should see a series of replies or an indication that the link is
valid. If the IP ping succeeded and the host name ping failed,
there is a problem with the DNS configuration. Contact your
network administrator.
3. If you were able to ping the AD007 adapter, you should also be
able to access the web pages with a web browser. If not, contact
your network administrator.