Appendix A: Specifications
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table A- 6: Input/output port specifications
Characteristic Description
Rear-panel I/O ports Ports located on the rear panel
SVGA video port Upper video port, DB-15 female connector, connect a second monitor to use
dual-monitor display mode, supports Basic requirements of PC99
Scope VGA video port Lower video port, DB-15 female connector, 31.6 kHz sync, EIA RS-343A
compliant, connect to show the instrument display, including live waveforms,
on an external monitor
Parallel port (IEEE 1284) DB-25 connector, supports the following modes:
-standard (output only)
bidirectional (PS-2 compatible)
bidirectional enhanced parallel port (IEEE 1284
standard, mode 1 or mode 2, v 1.7)
-bidirecti onal high-speed extended capabilities
Serial port DB-9 COM1 port, uses NS16C550-compatible UARTS, transfer speeds up to
115.2 kb/s
Keyboard port PS-2 compatible, instrument must be powered down to make connection
Mouse port PS-2 compatible, instrument must be powered down to make connection
LAN port RJ-45 connector, supports 10 base-T and 100 base-T
Audio ports Miniature phone jacks for stereo microphone input and stereo line output
USB port Allows connection or disconnection of USB keyboard and/or mouse while
instrument power i s on
GPIB port IEEE 488.2 standard interface