CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Index- 1
<, A Trigger control window, 3--95
>, A Trigger control window, 3--95
1 recent setup file 1, C--2
100%, Zoom, C --5
50/50%, Zoom, C--5
80/20%, Zoom, C--5
A event (main) trigger setup, C--7
A Only, t rigger, how to set up, 3--118
A Only, A Trigger control window, 3--118
A Then B, A-->B Seq Trigger control window, 3 --119,
A Trigger
holdoff, 3--84
level presets, 3--85, 3--86
trigger when, 3--108
A Trigger control window, 3--94, 3--96, 3--101, 3--104,
3--106, 3--109, 3--110, 3--118, 3--121
<, 3--95
>, 3--95
A Only, 3--118
AND, 3--106, 3--109
Ch1, Ch2 ..., 3-- 94, 3--96, 3 -- 99, 3--101, 3--104,
3--106, 3--109, 3--111, 3--121
clock source, 3 --111
data source, 3--111
define inputs, 3--106, 3--109, 3--111, 3--112
define pattern type, 3--106, 3--109
delay time, 3--119
either, 3--94, 3--96, 3--100, 3--102, 3--121
falling edge, 3--109, 3--111
FALSE , 3--107, 3--110
glitch, 3--94, 3 --95
level, 3--95, 3--100, 3--105
logic, 3--106, 3--109, 3--110
NAND, 3--106, 3--109
negative, 3--94, 3--96, 3--100, 3--102, 3--121
NOR, 3--106, 3--109
OR, 3--106, 3--109
pattern, 3--106
polarity and width, 3 --94, 3--96, 3--100
positive, 3 --94, 3 --96, 3--100, 3--102, 3--121
pulse, 3--94, 3--96, 3--99, 3--101, 3--104
rising edge, 3--109, 3--111
runt, 3--96
set thresholds, 3--106, 3--109
set to ECL, 3--102
set to TTL, 3--102
setup/hold, 3--110
slew rate, 3 --101
source, 3--94, 3--96, 3--99, 3--101, 3--104
state, 3--109
thresholds, 3--98, 3--102
timeout, 3--104, 3--105
timer, 3-- 105
transition, 3--101
Trig Delay, 3--119
trigger when, 3--107, 3--110
TRUE, 3 --107, 3--110
width, 3--99
A Trigger level
ECL, 3 --85, 3 -- 86
TTL, 3--85, 3 --86
user, 3--85, 3--86
A-->B Seq Trigger control window, 3--119, 3--120
A Then B, 3--119, 3--120
B Trig Level, 3--120
B trigger leve l, 3--120
Trig Event, 3 --120
trigger events, 3--120
A->b trigger sequence, C--8
About TekScope, C--16
Absolute refere nce, 3 --152
AC coupling, Glossary--1
AC line voltage, trigger input, 3--73, 3--80
Access vertical set up help, 3 -- 19
Accessories, 1--37
optional, 1--41
standard, 1--39
Acce ssory software, 1--12
Accuracy, Glossary--1
gain and offset, 3--178
Acquiring and displayi n g waveform s, 3--7
Acquisition, Glossary--1
input channels and digitizers, 3 --40
interval, Glossary--1
modes, 3--41
Envelope, 3--57
record, 3--41
sampling (see sampling), 3--40