CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Appendix C: Menu Bar Commands
Both the instrument menu bar and a toolbar allow you to control instrument
operation. Where possible, this manual describes operation using first, the front
panel and then, the toolbar. This appendix describes functions available from the
menu bar. F or more information about these commands, see the online help.
File Commands
Table C--1 lists the commands available from the File menu on the menu bar.
Table C- 1: File menu commands
Menu Submenu Function
Reference Waveforms Reference Setup
Display On/Off
Save Wfm
Save All Wfm
Recall Wfm
Delete All Refs
Displays the R eference Setup window that you use to set up and control
reference waveforms
Displays the Wavef orm Display control window that you can use to turn the
display of waveforms on and off
Displays the c ontrol window that you use to position the waveform and set the
vertical scale
Displays a cont rol window that you use to label your waveforms
Displays the R eference Setup window that you use to save and control
reference waveforms
Displays the w indow that you use to save all reference waveforms
Displays the R eference Setup window that you use to recall and control
reference waveforms
Deletes all reference waveforms
Instrument Setup Displays the Instrument Setup window that you use to save instrument setups to
nonvolatile memory or to a file, recall saved setups, or delete saved setups
Recall Default Setup Recalls the factory default instrument setup