TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Service Manual
This section contains information and procedures designed to help you
isolate faulty modules in the oscilloscope. If you need to replace a module,
use the Removal and Replacement procedures immediately preceding this
These procedures will isolate a fault to the module level. If you wish
to isolate a faulty component, use the theory of operation, schematĆ
ics, board dollies, and grid locator charts provided elsewhere in
this manual.
The onboard diagnostics focus on verifying, calibrating, and isolating faulty
modules. Use the following procedure to activate the diagnostics.
1. Power up the oscilloscope and allow a 20 minute warmĆup period.
2. Press the front panel button UTILITY.
3. Repeatedly press the main menu button System until Diag is highĆ
lighted in the popĆup menu. This calls up the diagnostics menu, shown
in Figure 6Ć17.
Onboard Diagnostics