TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Service Manual
Warranted Characteristics
Warranted characteristics are described in terms of quantifiable performance
limits that are warranted. This subsection lists only warranted
In these tables, those warranted characteristics that are checked in
the Performance Tests, starting on page 4Ć11, appear in boldface
type under the column Name.
The electrical characteristics found in these tables of warranted
characteristics apply when the oscilloscope has been adjusted at an
ambient temperature between +20_ĂC and +30_ĂC, has had a warmĆup
period of at least 20 minutes, and is operating at an ambient temperature
between -10_ĂC and +55_ĂC (unless otherwise noted).
TableĂ1Ć1:ăWarranted Characteristics Ċ Signal Acquisition System
Accuracy, DC Voltage Measurement,
Average Acquisition Mode
Measurement Type
Average of ≥16 waveforms
Delta volts between any two avĆ
erages of ≥16 waveforms acĆ
quired under the same setup
and ambient conditions
DC Accuracy
±(2.0% |(reading -
Net Offset)| + Offset
Accuracy + 0.1 div)
±(2.0% |reading| + 0.15 div
+ 0.3 mV)
Accuracy, DC Gain, Sample or
Average Acquisition Modes
Pulse Response, Peak Detect and
Envelope Mode
Sec/Div Setting
5 s/div - 25 ms/div
TDS 310:Ă10 ms/div - 10 ns/div
TDS 320:Ă10 ms/div - 5 ns/div
TDS 350:Ă10 ms/div - 2.5 ns/div
Minimum Pulse Width
10 ns
The greater of 10 ns or
.02 sec/div setting