Performance Tests
TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Service Manual
9. Turn the General Purpose to set the vertical position to the setting listed
in Table 4Ć2. The baseline level moves off screen.
10. Press the main menu button Offset.
11. Use the General Purpose to set vertical offset to the setting listed in
Table 4Ć2 for the present vertical scale setting. The baseline level reĆ
mains off screen.
12. Set the generator to the level and polarity indicated in TableĂ4Ć2 for the
vertical scale, position, and offset settings you have made. The DC test
level should appear on screen. (If it does not return, the DC accuracy
check has failed for the present vertical scale setting of the current
13. Check that the readout for the measurement Mean readout on screen is
within the limits listed for the present vertical scale and position/offset/
generator settings.
14. Repeat steps 7 through 13 until you have checked all the vertical scale
settings listed in Table 4Ć2. Record the measurements for each of the
50 mV settings.
15. Subtract the second 50 mV measurement from the first and compare the
result to the n at 50 mV" limits in Table 4Ć2.
16. Press WAVEFORM OFF; then, press CH 2.
17. Set the generator output to 0 V.
18. Move the test hookup to the CH 2 input.
19. Repeat steps 5 through 15 for channel 2.
20. Set the generator output to 0 V.
21. Disconnect the cable at the CH 2 input connector.
DC Gain Accuracy
DC gain accuracy is verified by successful completion of the self tests and
the DC voltage measurement accuracy (in the previous procedure).
Offset Accuracy
Offset accuracy is verified by successful completion of the Self Tests and the
DC voltage measurement accuracy (in the previous procedure).