6712SR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 5 Extended Programming
To configure an attached temperature sensor, select “FR-TEMP”
as the input for I/O3. The 6712 will display the NEW
HARDWARE SETUP screen. Select DONE and the 6712 recon-
figures its memory partitions to record the temperature
Temperature readings are updated approximately every 2.5
seconds. The readings are stored as FR-TEMP readings at the
data storage interval. You can retrieve a history of temperature
readings through the 6712’s reports. The temperature data also
can be used as a sampler enable condition.
5.19.5 Analog Output Teledyne Isco offers multiple analog outputs as a factory
installed option. The number of isolated outputs can vary from
one to three and is specified at order time. The option is installed
inside the controller and includes a six-pin connector to interface
with external devices.
The analog outputs can be programmed for either 0-to-20 mA or
4-to-20 mA operation. With the exception of rain, any parameter
that the 6712 sampler is currently measuring can be used to
control any (or all) of the analog output channels. Programming
the outputs requires parameter levels at each end of the analog
range and then assumes a linear relationship between those
points. MANUAL CONTROL of each output is also available.
Flowcharts for analog output screens appear in Appendix A.
5.19.6 Dialout Alarms Dialout alarms require the sampler to be equipped with the
factory-installed 2400 baud talking modem. The dialout alarm
allows the sampler to notify a contact list when an “alarm” con-
dition exists (is true).
At the transition to the true state, any programmed I/O output
can cause the sampler to warn of the alarm condition. As many
as three telephone numbers can be entered. The sampler tries
each telephone number in succession until the alarm is acknowl-
edged. For each alarm condition, the sampler will attempt each
telephone number entered a maximum of five times, at user spec-
ified intervals.