6712SR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 2 Installation/Preparation
Most Teledyne Isco flow meters are not certified for use in
hazardous locations as defined by the National Electrical
Code. Contact your Teledyne Isco representative for your
equipment’s status. Never operate equipment in hazardous
locations that has not been certified as safe for such use.
Refer to Appendix C in the back of this manual for more
safety information.
Select Extended Programming to use the SDI-12 sonde. (See
Switching Between Standard and Extended Modes on page
Update the Hardware Setup whenever you add or remove an
SDI-12 sonde. (See Section 6.) In extended programming, rain
gauge and SDI-12 sonde readings are only available if they are
selected in the Hardware Setup.
Table 2-3 Connecting Teledyne Isco Instruments to the Sampler
Connector Icon Connect These Instruments:
Power Source
12 volt power source
Rain Gauge
674 Rain Gauge
Programmable I/O Pins (pins C, H, and I)
SDI-12 Sonde
Refrigerator Temperature Sensor
581 RTD (Rapid Transfer Device)
IBM PC or compatible computer running FLOWLINK or SAMPLINK
External Modem
External Data Logger/Controller
4-20 mA Input Interface
Closed-Pipe Flow Meter (using 4-20 mA Input Interface)
Flow Meter
1640 Liquid Level Actuator
2100 Series Flow Modules
3000 Series Flow Transmitters
4100 Series Flow Loggers
4200 Series Flow Meters
Master/Slave Sampler
Pulse Duration Input Interface