6712SR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 5 Extended Programming
The 6712SR Sampler has two sets of programming screens. The
first set, called standard programming screens, lets you set up
typical sampling programs easily and efficiently. The second set,
extended programming screens, lets you create sophisticated
programs for complex sampling applications.
All of the sampling features available with standard pro-
gramming screens, discussed in Section 4, are available with
extended programming screens. However, the extended screens
provide several additional features and some screen display dif-
ferences which are discussed in this section. The menu flow-
charts for both sets of programming screens are in Appendix A,
Menu Flowcharts.
This section assumes that you have read, and are familiar
with, the instructions in Section 4, Standard Programming!
5.1 Extended and
Standard Mode
The sampler is shipped with factory default settings in standard
programming mode when you first turn the sampler on. The
start-up screen tells you which programming mode the sampler
is currently using. You can switch between programming modes
by entering a numerical command at the main menu:
At the main menu type 6712.2 to enter extended programming
At the main menu type 6712.1 to enter standard programming
5.2 One-Part and
Two-Part Programs
Extended programming lets you set up a “one-part” program or a
“two-part” program. One-part programs let you fill all bottles of
the tub with one set of pacing, distribution, and enable settings.
Two-part programs add an additional set of extended pacing, dis-
tribution, and enable screens to the sampling program. Each set
of screens is called a program part. The program parts are simply
called part ‘A’ and part ‘B’. Both parts share the program settings
for suction-line length, suction head, and rinses and retries. They
also share one start-time setting.
Main Menu for Extended Mode