© 1998 T
About the Development Team
Texas Instruments would like to acknowledge the following individuals who worked as a
team in developing and evaluating these materials.
Cathy Cromar
teacher, Cottonwood Heights Elementary School, Salt Lake City, Utah
Stephen Davies
teacher, Oquirrh Elementary School, West Jordan, Utah
Pamela Patton Giles
K-12 math specialist, Jordan School District, Sandy, Utah
Gary Hanson
teacher, Sprucewood Elementary School, Sandy, Utah
Pamela Weber Harris
teacher, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas
Rita Janes
teacher, Newfound Educational Associates, St. John’s, Newfoundland
Ellen Johnston
teacher, Trinity Junior High School, Fort Smith, Arkansas
Jane Martain
teacher, Mountview Elementary School, Salt Lake City, Utah
Linda K. McNay
teacher, Quincy Junior High School, Quincy, Illinois
Melissa Nast
teacher, Arlington, Texas
Louise Nutzman
teacher, Sugar Land Middle School, Sugar Land, Texas
Aletha Paskett
teacher, Indian Hills Middle School, Sandy, Utah
Claudia Schmitt
teacher, Oquirrh Elementary School, West Jordan, Utah
Karen Wilcox
teacher, Columbus, Ohio
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Note: Using calculators other than the TI-73 may produce results different from those described in these materials.
Copyright © 1998 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
Except for the specific rights granted herein, all rights are reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.