Using the TI-73: A Guide for Teachers
© 1998 T
Have students perform the steps unless otherwise
1. As a class, measure the ramps. They should all be the
same length.
2. Divide the length by 6 so students have 5 different
intervals to test their ramp height. (For example, if the
ramp is 24cm, the intervals would be 4cm, 8cm, 12cm,
16cm, and 20cm. Zero cm would be flat and 24cm
would be straight up. If you wish to use inches, for
example, a 12-inch ramp, the intervals would be 2 in., 4
in., 6 in., 8 in., and 10 in.)
3. Make predictions of the height of the ramp that will
make the car roll the longest distance.
4. Test each height and record it on the student activity
5. Ask students: At what height did your car roll the
longest distance? The shortest distance?
Find out the distances for all groups.
6. Set up a graph on the board by asking students the
following questions.
What is the lowest ramp height? (zero)
Highest ramp height? (straight-up position)
What are the intervals in between? Set these numbers
up on the vertical line of the graph.
What should we label the vertical line or y-axis?
(Height of ramp)
What is the shortest distance the car traveled?
What is the longest distance the car traveled?
How should we set up the numbers in between? (as
equal intervals) This will go on the horizontal line of
the graph.
What should we label the horizontal line or x-axis?
(Distance the car traveled)
7. Using the group data, create a horizontal bar graph on
the student activity sheet graph.