Patterns and Functions
Activity 5: The Twin’s Towers
© 1998 T
3. Now have students generate this sequence on their
[ b \ Y b
4. Working in groups of two, have students use their
TI-73s to answer the following questions.
How many blocks do you need for a 27-level tower?
How many blocks do you need for a 53-level tower?
A ___-level tower has 27 blocks? (25)
A ___-level tower has 53 blocks? (51)
Part B
1. Now the twins build the following towers. Have
students build them, too.
1-story tower1-story tower
2-story tower2-story tower
3-story tower3-story tower
2. Ask students how they would enter this scenario into
the TI-73.
Z b \ Z b
3. Have students answer the following questions.
How many blocks do you need for an 8-story tower?
A ____-story tower has 28 blocks.
How many blocks do you need for a 53-story tower?
A ____-story tower has 27 blocks.
Up to this point, students have been counting the number
of times they press b. To make it easier to see which
term of the sequence they are on, they can create a
counter that will keep track for them.