Page 16 © 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology
Noce how entering an operaon at the beginning of an
expression (the power operaon in this example) causes the
automac entry of Ans, standing for the previous answer.
You will have noced that, as new expressions are entered, previous ones scroll o the top of the screen. The
TI-Nspire handheld will remember a history of up to 99 expressions and these can be recalled using the up key
on the Touchpad. Press and hold £ and see the way the highlight icks back through previous expressions and
results. Stop at some point in the history and press ·. You should see either the previous expression or the
result copied to the entry line ready to be used as all or part of a new expression.
Noce that, aer an expression has been evaluated, simply
pressing · again repeats the previous entry. What would
you expect to see if you repeatedly pressed · on this
screen? Try it by pressing
If you ever need to clear the history there is an opon in the Acons submenu: press b15. This is also a
way of producing an uncluered screen for making screenshots such as the one above.
If you repeat the key sequence above but replace the rst ·
with /· you get the rather dierent results shown here.
Try it and connue pressing · unl you get an (apparently)
unchanging approximaon for the Golden Rao.
The default mode for calculaons is to give exact results
(using fracons) rather than approximate results (using
decimals). It is possible to alter this using the system sengs
as you will see later in this tutorial.
Another way of choosing a decimal result is to enter a decimal
in the expression that you type, e.g. try entering 1 / 7 and then 1.0 / 7.